All Donors

Dovid And Sheva Jotkowitz $500
The cutest boy who just keeps giving his parents nachas and helps Klal yisroel because he’s a unit a Hatzolah Unit unit his number is F14 when he goes upstate for the summer. He’s also Hatzalah his number is. C 29 and when he goes to Orlando on pasach he’s also gonna tell unit his number is O82 he also ski in vail and his number is V 97 now
Bashi And Shua Scheiner $250
So proud of you!!
Anonymous Sponsor $200.00
Sherman Family $100
Still Waiting on that pledge like........
Zev Ahron & Kaila Weiss $100
Nechemia & Shifra Weiss $100
Avigdor keep giving us all Nachas
Yossi And Miri Fireman $100
Esther Weiss $50.00
We love you
Isaac Weiss $50.00
Lisa Gewirtz $50
Mayer Jotkowitz $36.00