All Donors

Rachel and her amazing Family
Mazy Sulimanov $101
Keep spreading simchah and light to the world :))))
Sash Garnick $100
In honor if the most special person and biggest inspiration i know!!!!
Anonymous Sponsor $100
Kelly I love what you are doing! Keep spreading the beautiful simchas hachaim you have to the world!!!
Asher Toledano $100
Rachel (aka kelly) you are a bright candle in the darkness of galus, keep up the great work!
Asher Toledano $100
Friendship is the best thing ever
Meira Rothschild $100
Kelly there is noone like you!!!
Mindy Pollack $100
Shoshana Savir $75
Kelly, you're always an inspiration, keep up the great work!
Frieda Erps $63.50
Everyday you inspire me with all the amazing, selfless acts you do! Keep it up! Never let the fire inside of you go dim. Love you πŸ’–
Suri Ickowics $54.00
Anonymous Sponsor $54
Anonymous Sponsor $54
Avigail Shamel $52
Full speedy refuah shelaima for Avigail Chaya Bat Devorah β™‘
Anonymous Sponsor $50
Ethel King $50
Go kelly!
Anonymous Sponsor $50
Anonymous Sponsor $50
Good luckkk
Hannah Toledano $45
To my amazing sister and everything she does
Racheli Herzka $36.00
You are amazin Kelly!!! Keep spreading smiles this summer! Hatzlacha xoxo
Rayna Rabinowitz $36
Robin Gadeloff $36.00
Keep up the good work, Kelly πŸ’—.
Anonymous Sponsor $25
Go kelly!!!
Leah Devorah Falkwoitz $20
Keep spreading your light and energy to the world
Rena Werther $20
LUV U ROOMIE πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
Ilana Hadassah Greenfield $18.00
Keep on doing the incredible things that you do Kelly!!!
Chanie Lebovitz $18.00
The best office mother!! Deborah we love you!!!!!!
Anonymous Sponsor $18
Malka Reiss $18
Hatzlacha raba! Hope it’s an awesome smooth summer!
Ayelet Weinberg $18
Anonymous Sponsor $7