All Donors

Joshua Ashman $360
Way to go Avishai! In honor of the heiligeh tatte R'Buruch Yehoshua
Boruch And Shaindy Salzberg $360
We are so proud of you, Avishai! Love, Mommy and Abba
Sam Dobner $180
From Zaidi and Boby
Claire Salzberg. $100.00
So proud!!! Bubbi and Zaidi
Dov And Lauren Greenberg $100
Mordechai Salzberg $72.00
Tzvi Salzberg $72
In honor of Avishai Salzberg
Sara Reichman $54
Anonymous Sponsor $50
Moshe And Chani Mayer $50
In honor of our favorite ToMo boy.
Shea Moskowitz $34
Eitan Robbins $20
Keep it my man!
Aaron Hecht $18
Good job dawg!
Rafuel Friedman $18
To my dear lovely chavruta, you are an inspiration to us all. You exemplify being shtelatable!
Sruly Indig $10
Yakov Grama $8.18
Enjoy high for ever!!!! I got rocked this yr so cant go back☠️