All Donors

Rachel Feltman $200
Tova Rubel $154
Chani Halberstam $75
Yitty Reich $75.00
Debra Yaich $52
Love you Tova!!
Tova Rubel $50
Sara Rosenberg $50
Anonymous Sponsor $50
Raizy Lipschitz $50
Tobi Stefansky $36.00
Shani Poretsky $36
Go Tova πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Shuli Fuchs $36
Anonymous Sponsor $25
GO TOVAπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ keep changing the world!!πŸ’—
Shana Zeilingold $25
You’re amazing Tova!!!!
Anonymous Sponsor $20.00
Anonymous Sponsor $20
Chana Sofer $18
Chana Max $18.00
Chavie Halpert $18
Shoshi Dean $18.00
Faige Werther $15.00
Tova you are the best!!
Carmel Blum $10
Malka Reiss $10
Anonymous Sponsor $10.00
Sima Belsky $8
Good luck!! I hope you make it