
Welcome To My Donation Page

Recent Donors
    Rachel and her amazing Family
  • Mazy Sulimanov $101
    Keep spreading simchah and light to the world :))))
  • Sash Garnick $100
    In honor if the most special person and biggest inspiration i know!!!!
  • Anonymous Sponsor $100
    Kelly I love what you are doing! Keep spreading the beautiful simchas hachaim you have to the world!!!
  • Asher Toledano $100
    Rachel (aka kelly) you are a bright candle in the darkness of galus, keep up the great work!
  • Asher Toledano $100
    Friendship is the best thing ever
  • Meira Rothschild $100
    Kelly there is noone like you!!!
  • Mindy Pollack $100
  • Shoshana Savir $75
    Kelly, you're always an inspiration, keep up the great work!
  • Frieda Erps $63.50
    Everyday you inspire me with all the amazing, selfless acts you do! Keep it up! Never let the fire inside of you go dim. Love you πŸ’–
  • Suri Ickowics $54.00
  • Anonymous Sponsor $54
  • Anonymous Sponsor $54
  • Avigail Shamel $52
    Full speedy refuah shelaima for Avigail Chaya Bat Devorah β™‘
  • Anonymous Sponsor $50
  • Ethel King $50
    Go kelly!
  • Anonymous Sponsor $50
  • Anonymous Sponsor $50
    Good luckkk
  • Hannah Toledano $45
    To my amazing sister and everything she does
  • Racheli Herzka $36.00
    You are amazin Kelly!!! Keep spreading smiles this summer! Hatzlacha xoxo
  • Rayna Rabinowitz $36
  • Robin Gadeloff $36.00
    Keep up the good work, Kelly πŸ’—.
  • Anonymous Sponsor $25
    Go kelly!!!
  • Leah Devorah Falkwoitz $20
    Keep spreading your light and energy to the world
  • Rena Werther $20
    LUV U ROOMIE πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
  • Ilana Hadassah Greenfield $18.00
    Keep on doing the incredible things that you do Kelly!!!
  • Chanie Lebovitz $18.00
    The best office mother!! Deborah we love you!!!!!!
  • Anonymous Sponsor $18
  • Malka Reiss $18
    Hatzlacha raba! Hope it’s an awesome smooth summer!
  • Ayelet Weinberg $18
  • Anonymous Sponsor $7
View All
total raised:
I'm really excited that I joined Raise4ever in support of Camp4ever! My goal is to raise $3600 to send children with sick parents to camp.

Children with a seriously ill parent have it rough. They deal with the realities of disease on a daily basis. They live with a constant fear of Mommy or Daddy leaving them. They need to act like adults in helping their parents cope. These children need the break that summer camp provides, and the chance to laugh, run and play like "normal" children. Their parent's catastrophic illness and the resulting financial distress leaves families unable to afford summer camp, just when it is needed most. This unique camp program gives these kids a reprieve from a challenging home situation, restores their spirits and renews their strength to persevere!

I am determined to ensure that every child that can benefit from Camp4ever!'s program will have the opportunity to do so. My objective is to raise $3600 to enable these children to go to camp and I hope you will help me reach this goal. All donations are 100% tax deductible. Please join me by clicking on the donate button now.

Thank you for supporting my efforts on behalf of families fighting cancer and other serious illnesses.

Kelly Toledano